Contents: Elogivm Fvnebre Memoriae Viri Nobilissimi Amplissimi Clarissimiqve Io. Gothofredi Leschnerti Philosophiae Doctoris Et Liberalivm Artivm Magistri Ordini Philosophorvm Qvondam in Academia Witebergensi Adscripti Deinde In Illvstri Gymnasio Gothano Professoris Classis Selectae Per Ipsos XXX. Annos ... Post Divtvrnvm Langvorem Brevi Acrioris Morbi Impetv XI. Kal. Dec. A. MDCCXXXXVII. Rebvs Mortalivm Placide Erepti IX. Kal. Eivsdem Mensis Honestissimo Fvnere Noctvrno Elati Nomine Totivs Collegii Consecratvm


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