Q. D. B. V. Geminvm Natalem, Altervm Serenissimo Principi Ac Domino Domino Wilhelmo Ernesto, Dvci Saxoniae Ivliaci Cliviae Montivm Angariae ... Principi Regenti Et Patri Patriae Clementissimo Altervm Ill. Gymnasio Wilhelmo-Ernestino Sacrvm Actvqve Oratorio-Valedictorio Horis Pomeridianis D. XXX. Octobr. M D CCXVI. Bvblica Qvadam ... In Majori Avditorio Dicti Gymnasii ... Patronis Omniqve Liberali Doctrina Politissimis Viris Favtoribvs Et Amicis ... Intimat
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