Metadata: Museum Naturalium Academiæ Upsaliensis (Append. XX)
Multivolume work
- Document type:
- Multivolume work
- Title:
- Museum Naturalium Academiæ Upsaliensis
- Author:
- Year of publication:
- 1787-1832
- Place of publication:
- Upsaliae
- Weimar
- Publisher:
- Edman
- Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar
- Scope:
- : 4°
- Language:
- Latin
- Collection:
- Königliche Gartenbibliothek,Herrenhausen,Hannover in der HAAB Weimar
- EPN (digital resource):
- 1792709544
- EPN (original source):
- 864653514
- Access License:
- Alle Rechte vorbehalten
- Access License Link:
- Document type:
- Volume
- Title:
- Museum Naturalium Academiæ Upsaliensis
- Volume count:
- Append. XX
- Author:
- Edition:
- [Electronic ed.]
- Year of publication:
- 1812
- Place of publication:
- Upsaliae
- Publisher:
- Stenhammar et Palmblad
- Scope:
- [1] Bl., 5, [1] S. : 4°
- Language:
- Latin
- Collection:
- Königliche Gartenbibliothek,Herrenhausen,Hannover in der HAAB Weimar
- Shelfmark:
- 19 A 11856
- EPN (digital resource):
- 1792710607
- EPN (original source):
- 864660901
- URN:
- urn:nbn:de:gbv:32-1-10029113170
- Bildanzeige gem. UrhG ab:
- 2000
- Access License:
- Alle Rechte vorbehalten
- Access License Link:
Title page
- Document type:
- Multivolume work
- Structure type:
- Title page
- Title:
- Titelseite
- Bildanzeige gem. UrhG ab:
- 2000