Dissertatio Theologica De Peccati Natura Et Adæqvata Mensura, Quam In Solenni Conventu Synodali Æterno adspirante Numine Sub auspiciis Serenissimi Principis Ac Domini, Domini VVilhelmi Ernesti Ducis Sax. Jul. Cliv. Montium, Angariæ Et Westphaliæ &c. Principis Ac Domini Nostri Clementissimi, Nutricii Indulgentissimi, ad diem [ ] Febr. M D CC VIII. Apoldæ celebrando Post Homiliam ad II. Aug. Confess. articulum in æde sacra habitam, piasque preces ibi recitatas, Dnn. Confratrum ad Apoldanam Di¿cesin pertinentium eruditæ placidæque syzetesei exponit Joh. Paulus Hebenstreit, S. Theol. Doctor, Consiliarius Proto-Synedrialis & Synodalis Saxo-Vinariensis, nec non Pastor & Inspector Dornburgensis, Respondente Gerhardo Gottfried Ranis, Ecclesiæ Magdalensis Pastore Substituto.
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