Metadata: Platonis Dialogi Secundum Thrasylli tetralogias dispositi (Vol. 3)
Multivolume work
- Document type:
- Multivolume work
- Title:
- Platonis dialogi secundum Thrasylli tetralogias dispositi
- Author:
- Sonstige Personen:
- Year of publication:
- 1851-
- Publisher:
- Teubner
- Language:
- Greek, Modern (1453-)
- Latin
- Collection:
- Nietzsches Bibliothek in der HAAB Weimar
- EPN (digital resource):
- 4325191119
- EPN (original source):
- 507431545
- Document type:
- Volume
- Title:
- Platonis Dialogi Secundum Thrasylli tetralogias dispositi
- Volume count:
- Vol. 3
- Author:
- Sonstige Personen:
- Edition:
- [Electronic ed.]
- Year of publication:
- 1863
- Publisher:
- Teubner
- Scope:
- XXVIII, 464 Seiten
- Language:
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
- Latin
- Collection:
- Nietzsches Bibliothek in der HAAB Weimar
- Shelfmark:
- C 63 (b)
- EPN (digital resource):
- 4328031023
- EPN (original source):
- 507437543
- URN:
- urn:nbn:de:gbv:32-1-10040337574
- Bildanzeige gem. UrhG ab:
- 2000
- Provenienz(en):
- Vorbesitz: Nietzsche, Friedrich | Notiz
- Sammlung: Privatbibliothek Friedrich Nietzsche
- Access License:
- Public Domain
- Access License Link:
- Document type:
- Multivolume work
- Structure type:
- Cover
- Bildanzeige gem. UrhG ab:
- 2000