Metadata: Marthe et Marguerite (Faust)
- Document type:
- Monograph
- Title:
- Marthe et Marguerite (Faust)
- Year of publication:
- 1850 $ [1850]
- Place of publication:
- S.l.
- Scope:
- 1 Bl. : s/w : 16,5 x 12 cm
- Collection:
- Faustsammlung der HAAB Weimar
- Shelfmark:
- F gr 5799 (13)
- EPN (digital resource):
- 1116645815
- EPN (original source):
- 91073819X
- URN:
- urn:nbn:de:gbv:32-1-10016592766
- Bildanzeige gem. UrhG ab:
- 1971
- Provenienz(en):
- Vorbesitz: Stumme, Gerhard | Stempel | Monogramm
- Access License:
- Public Domain
- Access License Link:
Title page
- Document type:
- Monograph
- Structure type:
- Title page
- Title:
- Marthe et Marguerite
- Bildanzeige gem. UrhG ab:
- 1971